Corporate Governance

We acknowledge that high standards of corporate governance play an important role towards FGV Group’s continued growth and success. We are committed to managing the Group’s businesses ethically and in a transparent manner to ensure equitable long term value for all its shareholders.

Any employee or member of the public who has knowledge or aware of any improper conduct (criminal offence or misconduct) committed or about to be committed within FGV Group is strongly encouraged to make disclosure, in order to protect the Group’s interest and reputation.

Identity of Whistleblower

Whistleblower is encouraged to enclose his/her name and contact details in order to be protected by the Policy. Nevertheless, anonymous allegation is acceptable, if the disclosure contain accurate and complete information.

Content of Disclosure

Any disclosure made herein should contain the following information:

  WHO – details of the person(s) involved
  WHAT – the alleged misconduct / wrongdoing
  WHEN – when the alleged misconduct / wrongdoing took place
  WHERE – where is the alleged misconduct/wrongdoing took place
  HOW – Nature of allegation / details of allegation

Protection Accorded to Whistleblower

Whistleblower will be accorded with protection under the Policy provided that the disclosure is made in good faith and comply with terms and conditions.

The protection can be revoked under the following circumstances:

  • Whistleblower participate in the improper conduct;
  • Whistleblower wilfully discloses a false statement;
  • Disclosure is made with malicious/ill intent; or
  • Disclosure is frivolous or vexatious.

Notification of the Outcome of Disclosure

The Whistleblower will be notified on the outcome of his/her disclosure.

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SPEAK UP! You will be HEARD

If you wish to report a grievance or raise concerns related to bribery, abuse of power, fraud, misconducts or other issues pertaining to sustainability, please fill in the form below. We assure that your identity will be protected.

Complaint Details*

Please describe your complaint or problem, giving full details (ie. Name of involved person, dates, time, years of service in the company etc):

  • Attachments

    If you have any supporting documents please upload below.

  • Drag me 1 Drag your file here
    Browse Upload Add new line Remove this line
  • Maximum 3 files. Files must be less than 4MB. Allowed file types: gif, png, jpg, pdf and doc.

  • Complainant Particulars

    • Declaration

    Alternatively, you can also send in your complaint, additional information and supporting documents to us at the following address:

    FGV Holdings Berhad

    Group Governance & Risk Management Division
    Complaint Management & Detection Department
    Level 13 West, Wisma FGV, Jalan Raja Laut, 50350 Kuala Lumpur
    Tel: 1800-88-8717