Standards and Certifications

Roundtable Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

FGV was amongst the first agricultural companies to obtain the RSPO mill certification in 2010; and the first in the world to organise a smallholder group to obtain the RSPO Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) Certification. In the process of certifying our mills, we had also certified about 40,000 FELDA schemed smallholders. FGV obtained its own RSPO membership (from FELDA’s membership in 2014) in 2016. Following our first RSPO certification in 2017, we have established a Time-Bound Plan to certify all our 67 mill complexes by 2025.


The Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) Certification Scheme

FGV has been working closely with stakeholders and other members in the industry in developing MSPO, the first Malaysian palm oil sustainability certification scheme. MSPO is similar to the RSPO and ISCC but takes into consideration the national socio-economic agenda – focusing particularly on developing marginalised local communities – while adhering to all local, national and ratified international laws and treaties. We are also among the first few plantation companies to be MSPO certified since 2015. Heeding the Malaysian Government’s directive to make MSPO certification mandatory by the end of 2019, we are taking the necessary steps to ensure all our complexes are MSPO certified by the given deadline.


Certification Mills Certified to Date

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil

30 of 67

Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil

67 of 67

International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC)

ISCC is the first biofuel standard to be recognised by the EU and the most widely acknowledged amongst the many biofuel standards available today. Independent third-party certification ensures compliance with high ecological and social sustainability requirements, greenhouse gas emissions savings and traceability throughout the supply chain. FGV has sought ISCC certification since 2011, and the number of mills with ISCC certification is dependent on market demand to accommodate the requirement for sustainable biofuel market in Europe. FGV had certified up to 15 mills in the past when the demand for palm-based biofuel (Palm Methyl Ester) was high.

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    FGV Holdings Berhad

    Group Governance & Risk Management Division
    Complaint Management & Detection Department
    Level 13 West, Wisma FGV, Jalan Raja Laut, 50350 Kuala Lumpur
    Tel: 1800-88-8717