Felda Global Ventures Holdings Berhad (FGV) has appointed Datuk Dr. Salmiah Ahmad and Dr Mohamed Nazeeb Bin P. Alithambi as Independent Non-Executive Directors on the Board of FGV, with effect from 31 October 2017.
Datuk Dr. Salmiah had been with the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) for 27 years in several capacities, with her last position as the Deputy Director General of Services, MPOB. She was then appointed as the Director General of the Malaysian Rubber Board from 2010 until 2015, and was the first woman to hold that position.
Datuk Dr. Salmiah holds a Bachelor and Master of Science in Organic Chemistry from Northern Illinois University, USA. She received her Ph.D from Imperial College, UK in Chemical Physics. She also holds an Executive Master of Business Administration from the Asean Executive Institute of Management, Manila, Philippines. Datuk Dr. Salmiah Ahmad is no stranger to FGV, having previously been on the Board in 2014. She has recently served her two-year term as the Chief Executive Officer of the International Rubber Consortium Limited (IRCo) from 2015 to 2017.
Meanwhile, Dr. Mohamed Nazeeb, a veteran in the plantation industry, brings with him a wealth of experience, having served Sime Darby for over 30 years. Armed with a Doctorate of Philosophy in Agronomy from University of Malaya, Dr Mohamed Nazeeb was recently the Head of Research & Development, as well as Head of Plantation Advisory at Sime Darby Plantation.
He started his career at Sime Darby as an Agronomist at Ebor Research, Sime Darby Plantations and rose up the ranks to be Head of Crop Production, before he assumed the role of Director, Plantations, Sime Plantations Sdn Bhd. Dr. Mohamed Nazeeb’s distinguished career and track record in the Palm Oil sector augurs well for FGV, especially with him being a well-respected voice in agronomy. He is a member of the International Society of Oil Palm Agronomists and the Malaysian Society of Soil Science. Dr. Mohamed Nazeeb has previously been a Board Member of MPOB and MyBiomass Sdn Bhd and Council Member of MPOA.
The Board views the appointments of Datuk Dr. Salmiah and Dr. Mohamed Nazeeb positively, as they will be able to provide invaluable insights into the global palm oil and rubber industries, whilst contributing to the independence of the FGV Board. In addition, the appointment of Datuk Dr. Salmiah is in line with the Government’s call to appoint more women as members of the Board by 2020.
In congratulating the new Board Members, FGV Chairman Azhar Abdul Hamid said, “We are confident the appointments of Datuk Dr. Salmiah and Dr. Mohamed Nazeeb will further strengthen the composition of the FGV Board. Being subject matter experts in their respective fields, both professionals have the right experience and expertise to help move FGV forward, in generating sustainable returns for our shareholders and stakeholders.”
At the same time, FGV wishes to announce the resignation of Dato’ Mohd Zafer Mohd Hashim as Independent Non- Executive Director with effect from 31 October 2017, due to other professional commitments. The Board would like to thank Dato’ Zafer for his invaluable service and contributions to FGV over the last two and half years.