KUALA LUMPUR, 10 May 2019 

FGV Holdings Berhad continues its positive momentum as it recorded crop production improvements in April 2019 compared to the same period in 2018 on the back of its transformation plan that began in October last year. The Group produced a total of 382,548 MT of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) from its 23 regions, compared to 358,527 MT produced in the same period in 2018, an increase of 6.7%.

FGV crude palm oil (CPO) production increased by 11.6% to 267,436 MT, compared to 239,662 MT, while the production of palm kernel rose by 13.9% to 71,316 MT compared to 62,623 MT for the same period in 2018.

“I am pleased with FGV’s current operational performance and this is the result of the teamwork of all the staff especially in the estates and mills. I am confident that this momentum can continue throughout the year to record better performance results this year,” Dato’ Haris Fadzilah Hassan, FGV’s Group Chief Executive Officer said.

Items Production
(April 2018)
(April 2019)
Change YoY
(Mar 2019)
Change MoM
Fresh Fruit Bunches 358,527 MT 382,548 MT 24,021 6.7 363,656 MT 18,892 5.2
Rubber 223,786 KG 227,104 KG 3,318 1.5 172,661 KG 54,443 31.5
Crude Palm Oil Produced 239,662 MT 267,436 MT 27,774 11.6 260,029 MT 7,407 2.8
Palm Kernel Produced 62,623 MT 71,316 MT 8,693 13.9 69,110 MT 2,206 3.2


FGV Holdings Berhad (FGV) berjaya mengekalkan momentum penambahbaikan dalam pengeluaran hasil ladangnya pada bulan April 2019 berbanding tempoh sama tahun lalu hasil daripada pelan transformasi yang telah dilaksanakan sejak Oktober 2018. Kumpulan menghasilkan sejumlah 382,548 MT tandan buah segar (BTS) daripada 23 wilayah berbanding 358,527 MT yang dihasilkan pada tempoh sama tahun 2018, peningkatan sebanyak 6.7%.

Pengeluaran minyak sawit mentah (MSM) FGV juga meningkat sebanyak 11.6% kepada  267,436  MT berbanding to 239,662 MT, manakala pengeluaran isirung sawit juga naik 13.9% kepada 71,316 MT berbanding 62,623 MT pada tempoh sama tahun 2018.

“Saya amat berpuas hati dengan prestasi semasa bahagian operasi dan ini merupakan hasil daripada kerjasama semua petugas khususnya di peringkat ladang. Saya yakin momentum ini akan berterusan sepanjang tahun sekali gus membantu Kumpulan untuk mencatatkan keputusan yang lebih baik tahun ini,” kata Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulan FGV, Dato’ Haris Fadzilah Hassan.

Perkara Pengeluaran
( April 2018)
( April 2019)
Perubahan YoY
(Mar 2019)
Perubahan MoM
BTS 358,527 MT 382,548 MT 24,021 6.7 363,656 MT 18,892 5.2
Getah 223,786 KG 227,104 KG 3,318 1.5 172,661 KG 54,443 31.5
Pengeluaran MSM 239,662 MT 267,436 MT 27,774 11.6 260,029 MT 7,407 2.8
Pengeluaran Isirung Sawit 62,623 MT 71,316 MT 8,693 13.9 69,110 MT 2,206 3.2

