Board of Directors

Tan Sri Rastam Mohd Isa

Non-Independent Non-Executive Director

Dato’ Shahrol Anuwar Sarman

Non-Independent Non-Executive Director

Dato’ Dr Suzana Idayu Wati Osman

Non Independent Non-Executive Director

Mohamad Fadzil Hitam

Independent Non-Executive Director

Nurul Muhaniza Hanafi

Independent and Non-Executive Director

Azizan Zakaria

Independent Non-Executive Director

Rozainah Awang

Independent and Non-Executive Director

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SPEAK UP! You will be HEARD

If you wish to report a grievance or raise concerns related to bribery, abuse of power, fraud, misconducts or other issues pertaining to sustainability, please fill in the form below. We assure that your identity will be protected.

Complaint Details*

Please describe your complaint or problem, giving full details (ie. Name of involved person, dates, time, years of service in the company etc):

  • Attachments

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  • Maximum 3 files. Files must be less than 4MB. Allowed file types: gif, png, jpg, pdf and doc.

  • Complainant Particulars

    • Declaration

    Alternatively, you can also send in your complaint, additional information and supporting documents to us at the following address:

    FGV Holdings Berhad

    Group Governance & Risk Management Division
    Complaint Management & Detection Department
    Level 13 West, Wisma FGV, Jalan Raja Laut, 50350 Kuala Lumpur
    Tel: 1800-88-8717